From the Vicar - Easter Sunday

Dear Friends,

Spring forward Fall back!

Happy Easter – Christ is Risen.

May our daily hope in our Risen Lord inspire all our work at All Saints. Today is the day which gives meaning to all other days. By raising Christ to life from the seeming defeat of death on a cross God has held out for everyone a love which will never let anyone go. The challenge of course is to look to the one God signposts to receive his love, namely Jesus. Even the seasonal change of time gives us a clue as to how we should be during this Easter season. Spring forward! Spring forward with hope and expectation.

There is much to look forward to and work towards, hopefully with an Easter spring in our stride. Our young people enjoying a focussed time of fellowship and teaching, our gathering together as a church family to consider its prime missionary calling (at our annual meeting on Wednesday 22nd May), some focussed training and encouragement events to mobilise our caring and sharing parts of the work we do. The interviews for our longed for musical director during mid-April. Please see our revised schedule of dates with many things for you to engage with so that our Easter faith can be enlivened and shared with others.

On behalf of the PCC and staff team can I thank you most warmly for your support and partnership in our Risen Lord.

The Revd Canon Mark Brown