From the Vicar

The Vicar’s Lent Letter 2024

‘Seek the Lord and serve His Church’

Dear Friends,

The sleeping giant might be waking up!

All Saint's church has had a far reach beyond its Parish for a number of years and I am glad the PCC and many others recognise this and are supportive. You will recall the sentiment of the prophecy recalled by me at last year's APCM "All Saints is a bit like a sleeping giant”.

Some current activities make me wonder whether the giant is slowly waking! Here are some snippets of news to encourage you, and initiatives for you to join in with. Do make a note of them and use the period of pause and reflection in Lent to pray over them. Human endeavour by itself can never see the Lord’s work done but, with the help and movement of His Spirit, much can be accomplished.

Encouraging prayer meetings
The best yet led by the PCC recently, make a note of future dates and come along with others.

Numbers at Alpha
Well done Roland, Simon and their teams. This is such an encouragement.

Visitors at Going Deeper
Thank you to Godfrey and his team.

Team work for PCC and halls group
Thank you to Rob Coleman and his team for organising our PCC morning away on Saturday 17th February to focus on ‘Vision and strategy for All Saints into the future’

Thank you to Richard Blyth, Julia Newton and their teams for the real progress made by the halls group.

Buildings that are blessings
Thank you to Steph and her team (and your financial resources) for seeing our lovely windows repaired.

Innovative local outreach
Thank you to the Monday Morning Drop-In team, our Thursday Open Door Team and those who support our Friendly Stop events.

Relational times to share Christ
I shall be inviting a number of people to ‘trial’ or ‘test’ for us all, a series of hospitality events at which Christ is shared. Do pray these are a success. Please come along eagerly if you are invited!

Mobilising the whole people of God Prayer triplets leading to Mission Triplets. Sign up after the APCM on Wednesday 22nd May at 7:30pm.

Young peoples work
We thank God for Cam and his team supporting our young peoples work. Housepaty sees ten leaders helping him and much encouragement from weekly work at Silverdale.

Children's work
At our recent volunteer thank you tea Rosie saw nearly 40 people come along. Do pray for our 11am service, Messy Church and for the Lord to send us young families, as we us to be sent to them. Our schools work continues to support Clifford All Saints, Ecclesall Primary and Dobcroft.

Strengthening the core
Leaders, or active initiative taking volunteers, are needed to support Home Groups, Music Ministry and Stewardship. Pray the Lord of Harvest would send us workers. Do let any of the staff team know if you have an interest.

I am well aware that a single letter cannot communicate all that is going on so please receive this as a flavour and stimulus to be read alongside other recently produced leaflets (Lent Holy week and Easter and “Seek the Lord and serve His Church “ where you will find dates details and leaders to contact for more information).

And finally, Lent is a time for pause and reflection so do please come along to any of these below if it would assist in prayer or fellowship within the spirit and discipline of Lent;

  1. Silence and Soup - Silence, prayer and scripture at the Vicarage for an hour on Monday 4th March at noon. I only have room for 20 so sign up with Elaine please.

  2. Silence and Stroll! – Meet at the Vicarage with outdoor walking attire. Fellowship, conversation, silence and exercise. Thursday March 14th meet at 10:00am – an hour and a half to two hour walk.

To those who have been given much, much will be expected so our Lord says. Our spiritual history and favoured location in South West Sheffield means we can resource and aid many others. Sometimes on waking, it can take a while to begin the day. I am praying that this waking up process, to the many things that are happening, will be an encouragement to you for your engagement, commitment and support.

Thank you for being part of All Saints, I pray that you fully find your part and are able to contribute. As we give so the Lord gives to us. May we anticipate together his renewed blessings in all we do, to seek Him and serve His Church.

The Revd Canon Mark Brown