We love welcoming people to our church family. Please feel free to fill in the form on the right hand side and someone will get in touch with you to say hello and give you more information.

As a Church of England Church, you become a member by joining our electoral roll. Joining the electoral roll helps us to know that you have made a commitment to our Church Family. It also enables you to attend and vote at our annual meeting. You also become eligible, should you wish to so do, in due course, to be elected to the PCC which is our governing body.

If you would like to join the electoral roll, click on link below to access the form. Please read the requirements for eligibility, complete the form and send it back to the church office.

> electoral roll form (pdf)

Find out more...

If you would like to know more about joining our Church Family please get in touch.

Church Office
0114 268 7574