From the Vicar

Dear Friends,

An army marches forward on its stomach – so it is said, the gruel and effort of attrition and warfare can only be really achieved through strength and sustenance. It is also said that as an army marches forward on its stomach so a church marches forward on its knees. I will side step a comment about posture as friends and close colleagues know knees are not currently one of the Vicar’s strong points! However to prayer: however and wherever you can, going forward into the new year, do note the following and join the wider church family in this adventure which is discipleship to Christ, gathering together which is Church, and prayer which gives meaning to it all.

1. Thank you to the many who made our last prayer meeting so significant - the highest numbers yet and, to me, a taste of a church coming alive! The next one is on Feb 6th 7:30pm and is especially to pray for our Connections course and outreach activity (see below);

2. Pray for the Ministry Team away day this next week as we reflect what is the best way to mobilise God’s people and build on our prayer triplets. Do pray we get the right ask that is both achievable and attainable for God’s people. I shall be praying personally that our next initiative will see an increase on the 100 or so people who last year enrolled for prayer triplets as we go forward amongst a wider group from the church family. Watch this space and be anticipating something from the Lord that will bless us and of course – do please sign up;

3. Seek the Lord while he may be found. I have counted at least six examples of outreach of our members to others. What a thrill to know that those who are seeking the Lord in our Parish might find him in these times – the bridge of course is ourselves and courageous invitation to others that they can join in with our plans.

Do make sure you pick up your verse for the year sheet with times and dates!

Yours in Christ,

The Revd Canon Mark Brown