From the Children's Minister

“Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.                                            
Your people will be my people and your God my God.”
(Ruth 1:16)

In our children’s groups we have begun a 4 week series on the book of Ruth.  Last week we thought about the loyalty, friendship and faithfulness of Ruth to Naomi.  This week we are focusing on the kindness and generosity of Boaz, not only to Ruth but also to his workers.  I wonder which of your friends, family or co-workers see or hear about Jesus through you, the way that Boaz’s workers heard about God as they worked in his fields or the way Ruth found God through her relationship with Naomi?

We can often underestimate what difference seemingly small acts can mean to people but Jesus tells us that when others see our good deeds, people will glorify our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).  As we begin 2024 I encourage us all to offer ourselves to God once again, to be a living sacrifice for Him. To offer our acts of kindness, generosity, service, the way we treat our colleagues, employers or employees to Jesus and pray that He will use these to bring others into relationship with our heavenly Father.

Rosie Blackett
Children’s Minister