From the Operations Manager

As we welcome the warmer, dryer weather of Spring we are able to complete a number of Estates projects that have been waiting in the wings.

The damaged wall plaque on the South Tower will be repaired in the coming weeks which will mean there will be scaffolding on that corner of the building, as much space as possible will be left on the path for access to and from the Church doors.  

Repairs have started on two large graves in the Churchyard, for which we are in receipt of trust fund; Steele and Osbourne.

The gutters, hopper and downpipe on the North side of the building that have been overflowing and causing damage to the plaster in the Mothers’ Union chapel is also moving forward and we hope to have that all upgraded before the end of June.

A lot of these projects are very weather dependant so please pray for the continuation of bright, dry days so that we can ‘fix things while the sun shines’!

Many Thanks,

Stephanie Osman